Transition Planning
Consultations and Coaching
Individuals on the Autism Spectrum or a Developmental Disability may need assistance, guidance and next steps planning supports to help with transition planning. TLC offers a wide range of coaching and consultation opportunities based on the needs of the individual. Developing a transition plan for parents and individuals to empower them towards developing and eventually reaching their goals independently.
One on one or group based supports
Self Discovery Volunteering
Day Program Communication
Social Groups Volunteering and Supports
Job Coaching Transit Navigation
Essential Skills Development Budgeting
Health and Wellness Learning Essential Skills
Managing Emotions Community Based Activities
Navigating Community Programs Coaching and Mentor-ship
Employment and Supports Service Coordination
Life Skills Program Job Carving
Group Based
TLC for Brighter Futures Workshop is renowned for its high quality face-to-face sessions. We offer variable formats on a wide range of topics. Our professional learning consultants are available for more detailed information about our services, and for support in customizing an individual session or designing a professional learning plan.
All workshops will be tailored to your specific needs.
How to shine as a new employee
Accommodation and Supports
ASD Healthy Relationships
Interpersonal workplace skills
Cultivating a positive attitude
Problem Solving and conflict resolution
Teamwork and Time Management