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Our team will assist you on developing the skills needed for success in life, work, education in order for you play an active roll in your community.  The one on one individualized supports  will help you with your short term and long term goals.

The T.L.C  team has over 25 years of experience in providing the essential skills training necessary for success for people that need help to move forward in their lives. 

Barbara Conlon-McGillis

Director of the Training Learning Centre for Brighter Futures.

Barb creates opportunity for adults on the autism spectrum, developmental disabilities or barriers, helping you build  the foundation necessary for success.  Helping clients transition to independence and community.  With over a decade of experience helping people achieve their goals. 

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Sabrina McGillis

Sabrina is TLC's Communication Specialist and Program Coordinator.  With over 15 years helping people with brain injury, mental health and special needs.  She dedicates her time to ensure you reach your full potential.    

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We Are Here To Help You!!!

Transition to Life and Independence

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